December Flash Sale

MON DEC 5th, 3 to 5 PM CENTRAL
(normally $105)

Lyrics only critiques accepted

You can get feedback through a recorded mp3, a phone call or a video call.
Recorded critiques will be done in the order received.
Those requesting phone or video call critiques will be contacted to schedule a time in the order they were received.
All critiques will be deliverd ASAP. The turn-around time will depend on how many are purchased.

There are four steps involved in requesting critiques:

1. submit the form
2. make payment
3. schedule your phone or Zoom call (skip this step for recorded critoiques)
4. upload songs and lyrics

Please follow directions carefully. Incomplete submissions may not be proicessed.


Submit the form. Once it goes through you wil be directed to a page where you can pay.

The flash sale has ended. To get news of future flash sales, visit the home page to sign up for the mailing list.